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How 6 Tech Underdogs Became the Industry’s Most Respected Founders



We’re finishing the last chapters of our October #MashReads non-fiction book club pick, Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath, and really hoping you are, too.

If you aren’t caught up on the premise of David & Goliath, then you should know that Gladwell goes into some serious detail and makes a very compelling argument that many disadvantages in our lives are not really disadvantageous at all. Certainly no one would wish dyslexia or an over-populated school on anyone, but it turns out that, despite common beliefs and stigmas, situations like those can in fact benefit those who lived through them, and managed to persevere, much more than those who didn’t have to face them at all. Read more…

More about Steve Jobs, Alexis Ohanian, Malcolm Gladwell, Joe Fernandez, and Business

Read more : How 6 Tech Underdogs Became the Industry’s Most Respected Founders

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