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Horse Gets Titanium Horseshoes Thanks to 3D Printing



A lucky horse received new titanium horseshoes, thanks to the power of 3D printing

Scientists with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation custom-designed the horseshoes, shown in the above video, with the hopes that they could improve performance in horse racing.

Using a 3D scanner, scientists measured the horse’s hooves; then, shoes were 3D-printed and fitted onto the animal. The printing process took less than 24 hours, and cost around $600, according to creators.

The titanium shoes are designed to be lighter than traditional horseshoes, which are made out of aluminum. Although they come with a higher price tag than standard horseshoes, which range anywhere from $100 to $300, scientists believe the additional cost is worth the reduction in weight. Read more…

More about Design, 3d Printing, Tech, Dev Design, and Newsy

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