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Hands On with Amazon Mayday: 9 Things You Need to Know



The Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7-inch Android tablet offers great content, features and formidable processing power. However, the real news is Amazon‘s ambitious 24/7 customer tech support program on the HDX called Mayday. The feature offers live video help at your command

As soon as we got our hands on a review unit, we had to take it for a test drive. Here are some things to know about Mayday:

  1. It only works with Wi-Fi access.

  2. It really is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  3. It’s free.

  4. You can see a small-on screen tech support assistant, but they cannot see you.

  5. Yes, they can hear you.

  6. The tech support assistants will ask you to verify your identity (name, email address and account home address) before offering to help.

  7. You can drag and drop the Mayday box to any spot on the screen.

  8. The Mayday box stays visible on top of every screen.

  9. Mayday support techs can, with your permission, control the screen and even change settings. Read more…

More about Amazon, Tablet, Tech Support, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : Hands On with Amazon Mayday: 9 Things You Need to Know

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