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Groom Makes Fiancee’s ‘Dream Wedding’ Pinterest Board a Reality



Amanda Roman had dreams for her fairy tale wedding. On Pinterest she made them concrete, to the tune of over 220 pins covering what her perfect day would be like.

Fortunately for Amanda, her soulmate turned out to be just as good at reading her Pinterest as he was at reading her heart.

When her boyfriend of five years, Ryan Leak, overheard her tell a friend that it had always been her dream to get engaged and married on the same day, he was first puzzled, then intrigued. “How does that even work?” he wondered.

Ryan decided to do some investigation. While at first he had nowhere to start, he quickly realized that Amanda had 224 photos on her Pinterest on a board called “My Dream Wedding.” Read more…

More about Wedding, Marriage, Pinterest, Watercooler, and Videos

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