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‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Player Captures Hauntingly Real In-Game Pics



Fernando Pereira Gomes was one of thousands of gamers who queued up for the midnight release of Grand Theft Auto V September 16. The 20-year-old photography student returned home with his copy and played straight through the night

As he explored the game, he became fascinated by its visual architecture. Using his character’s cameraphone — a feature unique to GTA V — Gomes began to take photographs within the game and upload them to Rockstar’s public server. From there, a striking photo series titled “Street Photography V” took shape.

“I noticed how big of a world the game has and how beautiful it was, the architecture and the light changing,” Gomes tells Mashable. “In the afternoon you get these beautiful sunsets, or at night with the streetlamps. I started noticing that the compositions were really aesthetic.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Art, Tumblr, and Photography

Read more : ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Player Captures Hauntingly Real In-Game Pics

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