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‘Got Your 6’ Helps Veterans Reintegrate After Their Service



Military recruits quickly learn the phrase, “Got your six,” which means, “I got your back.” On the battlefield, it’s essential to protect your fellow comrades and know that they’re looking out for you, too. And yet, when these veterans finish a tour of duty and return home, it sometimes seems as if no one has their back. America’s veterans are an untapped resource of leadership and skill, but they also need a lot of support to get back in the swing of things. Many veterans struggle to find a job and a home, and reintegrating into society can be a challenge.

That’s where Got Your 6 comes in. The 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization’s six pillars — jobs, health, education, housing, family and leadership — form a multi-prong approach to ensure that veterans are successfully integrated into civilian life and seen as civic assets. They provide assistance and guidance for every aspect of a veteran’s life, to facilitate a seamless return home Read more…

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