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Google Nexus 5 Leaked in Detailed Video



Following what appears to be a leaked manual for the next-generation Nexus 5 smartphone, a detailed, seven-minute video of Google’s flagship handset leaked online this weekend.

Posted to Android Police, the video gives an overview of the LG-built phone’s hardware and software. Interestingly — or perhaps suspiciously — the phone says it’s running the “Key Lime Pie” version of Android. The next version of Android is actually called KitKat, but perhaps Google engineers used the Key Lime Pie name until its marketing colleagues struck a promotional deal with Nestle to name it KitKat.

The Nexus 5 in the video may be running a much older version of Android than it’s slated to be released withPhotos of what appears to be another Nexus 5 running a more recent version of Android (perhaps KitKat), also surfaced this week. Read more…

More about Google, Lg, Tech, Gadgets, and Mobile

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