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George Lucas ‘Constantly Talking’ to J.J. Abrams About Star Wars



George Lucas may have sold Star Wars to Disney and officially stepped away from the Episode VII pre-production process. But he’s been having some trouble letting go of his 40-year-old brainchild, according to Lucas’ son Jett.

“He was very torn on the matter,” Jett Lucas told YouTube channel Flicks and the City in an interview posted Sunday, revealing that his dad had started researching and writing the new Star Wars movies about a year before the Disney sale — and told him casually over a dinnertime phone call. “He’s happiest when he’s writing and doing something with his time.” What the senior Lucas has done is set out “guidelines” for the new movie, Jett said. Read more…

More about George Lucas, Star Wars, Entertainment, Film, and Jj Abrams

Read more : George Lucas ‘Constantly Talking’ to J.J. Abrams About Star Wars

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