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Funny Photos Show Brides Throwing Cats Instead of Bouquets



Is this a new trend hitting the wedding scene? Did we miss something on Pinterest?

No, it’s actually just the premise of a new blog aptly called, where you can find several hilariously doctored photos of brides throwing cats instead of boring old bouquets

So simple and so, so funny. Perhaps if brides really did start throwing cats, the single ladies of the world would feel less awkward about being dragged into this tradition. Cats always land on their feet anyway, right?

cat throw

Never mind, they would probably need cat psychology after the trauma. It’s probably best to just check out the blog, and keep messing with your cat the old fashioned way: laser pointer Read more…

More about Cats, Watercooler, Pics, and Viral Pics

Read more : Funny Photos Show Brides Throwing Cats Instead of Bouquets

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