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Flickr iOS Update Automatically Uploads Photos From Your Camera Roll



Yahoo has just issued another major update to the official iOS app of its popular photo-sharing service, Flickr.

Through its latest update, Flickr for iOS has gained a new Auto Upload feature. As its name suggests, Auto Upload automatically uploads new photos in your camera roll to Flickr.

You can enable Auto Upload in the app’s More tab. After activating the feature, your 25 most recent photos will be automatically uploaded in full resolution. Thereafter, each new photo in your camera roll will be similarly treated.

Now, you might be wondering about Auto Upload’s privacy considerations. Well, suffice it to say that auto-uploaded photos are set to private until you decide to manually share them with others. Read more…

More about Yahoo, Photo Editing, Flickr, Photo Sharing, and Apple App Store

Read more : Flickr iOS Update Automatically Uploads Photos From Your Camera Roll

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