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Facebook Average Referral Traffic to Media Sites Up 170% This Year



Flexing its muscles as a public-facing forum, Facebook reported Monday that the average referral track from Facebook to media sites jumped 170% last year.

Facebook also disclosed that from September 2012 to September 2013, Time‘s referral traffic rose 208%, BuzzFeed‘s increased by 855% and Bleacher Report experienced a boost of 1,081%. Facebook also announced a feature called Stories to Share for page managers of media firms that recommends which stories to share on Facebook.

Andy Mitchell, director of partnerships for Facebook, attributes much of the growth in referrals to improvements in Facebook’s News Feed algorithm. “We’re getting better at showing the right story at people who are interested in it,” he says. In addition, Facebook has shared best practices with media firms, which help them post more effectively, he says. Read more…

More about Media, Facebook, Time Magazine, Business, and Buzzfeed

Read more : Facebook Average Referral Traffic to Media Sites Up 170% This Year

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