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Don’t Despair Over The Ugly iPhone 5c Case Any Longer

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The color enticed you. The playful plastic called out to you. And that cover, with silly little circular cutouts had your name all over it.

Thirty dollars later, you’re feeling a little silly after realizing that this case is Apple’s first big design flaw since the Apple TV remote. But don’t be embarrassed, we all make mistakes.

Luckily, a new app called CaseCollage is here to save the day for those of us who thoughtless purchased Apple’s case alongside a new iPhone 5c.

The app, launched out of a company called LunarLincoln, lets you pull in images from your social feeds like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and Picasa to fill in the holes with something a bit less ugly and a bit more personal.

You can arrange the photos however you’d like, or add in preset images or text from a collection provided within the app. Hell, if you love the color scheme but hate that pesky text peeking out of the holes, you can simply choose to get color(s) to fill in your Crocs case holes.

After arranging the icons to your pleasing, you can print out the personalized design, trim it down, and lay it between your new iPhone 5c and what you swear is the last bad decision you’ll make (about a phone case, at least).

Pretty sweet deal, no?

Interested parties can check out the app right here.

Read more : Don’t Despair Over The Ugly iPhone 5c Case Any Longer

Posted in Apple, Startups, Web.

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