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‘Doctor Who’ Episodes Uncovered in Nigeria Now Available on iTunes



Here’s a treat for Doctor Who fans: Nine episodes from the 1960s that were missing from the BBC’s archives were found in Nigeria and are now exclusively available for download on iTunes.

The nine missing episodes were found with two others — 11 in total — that remained in the BBC’s possession. Together, Digital Journal reported, the episodes comprise two six-part stories: “The Enemy of the World” and “The Web of Fear.”

Of course, two six-episode stories would mean 12 episodes, and only 11 were found. That’s because episode 3 from “The Web of Fear” is still missing. The BBC will restore that episode using available imagery and audio for a DVD release coming in early 2014. Read more…

More about Doctor Who, Entertainment, Tv, and Lost Episodes

Read more : ‘Doctor Who’ Episodes Uncovered in Nigeria Now Available on iTunes

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