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Digitally Archive Your Handwritten Doodles With ‘Draft’



For writers, artists and thinkers who still prefer ink pens to keyboards, there’s now a way for handwritten memos and doodles to live on digitally

Draft is a service that that scans your physical notebooks and archives them in a searchable, cloud-based format.

“Nothing beats a notebook for some activities,” said Jon Wheatley, co-founder of Need/Want, the start-up behind Draft

He developed the idea with his business partner Marshall Haas after he spent an “ungodly amount of time” photographing the pages in his notebooks as a digital back-up, he told Mahsable. After too many blurry photos, the team decided there had to be a better way. Read more…

More about Evernote, Inventions, Cloud, Dropbox, and Kickstarter

Read more : Digitally Archive Your Handwritten Doodles With ‘Draft’

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