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Did the Obamacare Twitter Campaign Curb the Hate?



President Obama’s health care reform plan and the faulty website built to deliver a major portion of it may be taking a beating on social media and elsewhere in the public eye, but a White House Twitter campaign to counteract that bad news is getting high marks.

The #GetCovered hashtag, introduced by the White House to champion the launch of its online health insurance marketplace, is being used positively by many more tweeters than are using it negatively, according to a sentiment score prepared for Nextgov by the Twitter analytics company Topsy.

That’s despite the glitch-ridden launch of, the federal insurance marketplace website that has prevented the vast majority of online insurance seekers from enrolling in plans and forced the government to bring in a crash team of government and outside experts to repair it. Read more…

More about Twitter, Barack Obama, Us Government, Health Care, and Us World

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