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Developers Can Now Submit Windows 8.1 Applications To The Windows Store


Developers are now free to submit their Windows 8.1-ready applications. Microsoft initially denied developers access to the operating system after it was released to OEM partners. Developers, accustomed to getting early access so that they could get to work before general release, were peeved.

The company later recanted and provided access, but that only solved half the problem, I think. Microsoft still forbade developers from submitting Windows 8.1-ready applications until Windows 8.1 went live. So to beat back criticism, the company promised that it would approve all applications – that pass, of course – within five days. A tepid compromise, but one that is now in effect, given that Windows 8.1 is out and developer submissions are open.

Kinks aside in getting here, it’s important to note that we should see in the next week a flow of new applications that hopefully are more than quite nice. Windows 8.1, like Windows Phone, has an app deficit when compared to the competing Android and iOS platforms. Microsoft is making progress, but isn’t where it needs to be yet.

That said, with Windows 8.1 finally here, we will be able to gauge developer interest by the number of new applications. Whatever demand there had been was pent-up, and should now be free range. If we don’t see a grip of new applications and updates, that will indicate that developer interest is either flat or slipping.

We haven’t had a new sales figure for Windows 8/8.1 in about an ice age, but Microsoft will happily tell you that October was its biggest month for activations of the operating system. If Microsoft doesn’t provide us with a milestone before we reach 200 million sold licenses, I shall be cross.

For now, development for Windows is now back on course.

Top Image Credit: Dell Inc.

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