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Crowdsourced Design Startup Dispop Gets Into the Ad Buying Business

dispop campaign

Dispop, the startup that allows businesses to crowdsource the design of their ads, has relaunched its platform with a big addition — the ability to actually run ad campaigns.

Through the service, advertisers could already solicit submissions from multiple designers, then A/B test them to see which ones are the most effective. However, after the platform launched in June, founder and CEO Ayal Ebert said he discovered that larger advertisers want to keep their design in-house, so the new platform is focused on small and medium businesses.

“The feedback we were getting from our customers was that it’s too complicated to source and optimize creatives from one platform, and run campaigns from another platform,” Ebert told me via email. “Moreover, our customers were telling us that the process of setting up and managing a display campaign (or remarketing campaign) on Google is extremely tedious.”

So with the new Dispop, advertisers will still be able to crowdsource their designs, but they can also run their ad campaigns from the same platform, setting a budget, targeting a specific audience, and tracking their results. The company says it integrates with ad exchanges including AppNexus, OpenX, Rubicon, Pubmatic, BrightRoll, Google, and Facebook Exchange.

Dispop actually launched the new platform back in September (it’s just talking about the update publicly now) and Eyal said last week that the company has run campaigns for more than 150 customers, with 20 or 30 new sign ups every day.

Read more : Crowdsourced Design Startup Dispop Gets Into the Ad Buying Business

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