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Coolio Jams With College Kids in Acoustic ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’ Cover



Jamming on an acoustic guitar to “Gangsta’s Paradise” with Coolio himself rapping in your living room sounds like a college kid’s dream night. But for a group of students in England, that unlikely scenario became a reality

Better yet, there’s a YouTube video to prove it —and the clip is just as mesmerizing as you’d imagine

The video’s uploader, Olivia Johnson-Aley, writes in its description that she and some friends met Coolio during a night out in the town of Preston, Lancashire, England. He reportedly said he wanted to cook for them the following night. So he came over and did just that. But at one point they took a break from the kitchen and what was cooking to do a bit of jamming. Writes Olivia: “Most surreal night of our lives!” Read more…

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