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Chinese Internet Giant Baidu Now Accepts Bitcoin



Baidu, also known as the “Google of China,” is now accepting Bitcoin payments for Jiasule, its anti-DDoS (distributed denial of service) and firewall security product.

For Bitcoin, this partnership comes at a crucial time. After the feds busted the online drug bazaar Silk Road and seized all its Bitcoins — roughly 5% of the total in circulations — some speculated that it was the end of the virtual currency. But after dropping dramatically, Bitcoin’s price has recovered, reaching a five-month high

Now, the digital currency gets the backing of a real Internet giant. Baidu is the fifth most-visited website in the world and China’s top site, according to Alexa Read more…

More about China, Baidu, Virtual Currency, Us World, and World

Read more : Chinese Internet Giant Baidu Now Accepts Bitcoin

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