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Captivating Stop-Motion Music Video Features 4000 Portraits



Australian band The Paper Kites turned the music video for their single “Young” into an experiment in art, photography and human faces

The band teamed up with production company Oh Yeah Wow and photographer Oli Sansom to create the video, using more than 350 people and 4,000 images to develop the final results

To create the seamless stop-motion effects, the photography team had to pose each person for several minutes, making sure each subject’s face would be perfectly aligned with the last.

“We gave instructions like ‘chin up a little, turn your head to your right a millimeter, now sway your body a fraction to your left’ and hoped that people could comprehend,” Oh Yeah Wow’s Darcy Prendergast told My Modern Met Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Pics, Music Videos, Stop Motion Animation, and Music

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