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Buffer Users’ Facebook and Twitter Feeds Spammed After Hacking



Buffer, the social-media management service that lets users schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook and Google+, has been hacked.

As a result, Buffer users who have authorized social sign-in through Buffer or linked their accounts to their social profiles, may have inadvertently sent out unauthorized spam messages.

When alerted to the situation on Twitter, Buffer sent out the following message:

Hi all. So sorry, it looks like we’ve been compromised. Temporarily pausing all posts as we investigate. We’ll update ASAP.

— Buffer (@buffer) October 26, 2013

Buffer, which helps users easily save links to share at a later date, has 1 million registered users. It integrates with a host of social networks, and users can login with their Facebook or Twitter credentials. Read more…

More about Security, Hacked, Hacks, Buffer, and Social Media

Read more : Buffer Users’ Facebook and Twitter Feeds Spammed After Hacking

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