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‘BlackMarket Reloaded’ Online Drug Bazaar Closes After Code Leak



Just weeks after the FBI took down Silk Road, the Internet’s largest “sprawling black market bazaar,” one of its main competitors has also gone down. Though it appears the feds aren’t behind it.

BlackMarket Reloaded, which launched in 2011, was permanently taken down Thursday for precautionary reasons after someone stole and leaked the site’s source code, according to BMR’s owner, who goes by the alias “backopy.”

“The [virtual private server] admin had stole the code and leaked it,” backopy wrote on the BMR forum. “This means I can’t operate anymore.” Read more…

More about Drugs, Silk Road, Us World, Us, and Blackmarket Reloaded

Read more : ‘BlackMarket Reloaded’ Online Drug Bazaar Closes After Code Leak

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