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Bing Fights Google in the UK, One Sweater at a Time



Bing is taking its fight with Google to the UK with a Pepsi Challenge-style test in which consumers bet their sweaters that Google is better

As this video shows, they frequently lose their jumpers as Bing’s apparent superiority is demonstrated

The premise: An affable interviewer asks people on the street what their favorite search engine is. After they invariably answer “Google,” he challenges them to win a new Xbox if they take a blind test and find that Google works better than Bing. If they lose, he gets their jumper. Predictably, by the end of the video he is bulked up because he’s wearing several sweaters he won in the deal Read more…

More about Google, Marketing, Bing, and Business

Read more : Bing Fights Google in the UK, One Sweater at a Time

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