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Because of iPad, ‘Little Mermaid’ Will Never Be the Same



Ariel’s not the only one with gadgets and gizmos aplenty. In 16 locations across the U.S., audiences can bring their own tablets to the movie theater during the month after Sept. 20 — and actually use those devices during the film

Disney’s latest re-release of the 1989 classic The Little Mermaid came with a twist: The company encouraged children to bring and use their iPads during the screening, provided, of course, they played along on Disney’s free iPad app, Second Screen Live: The Little Mermaid App. Audience members can play games, compete with other participants in the theater and sing along with the music as the story unfolds Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Kids, Disney, and Features

Read more : Because of iPad, ‘Little Mermaid’ Will Never Be the Same

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