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Barnes & Noble Unveils Ultra-Light Nook GlowLight E-Reader



Barnes & Noble is still making digital products, and E-Ink readers are here to stay. File these two facts in your “things that may surprise you” folder. The book retailer confirmed the first fact on Wednesday by introducing a completely redesigned Nook GlowLight e-reader. The new ultra-light E-Ink-based product arrived just weeks after Amazon introduced its newest Kindle Paperwhite e-reader, confirming the second fact

Purpose-built devices such as the GlowLight and Paperwhite clearly have a place in the tablet world, and while neither Barnes & Noble nor Amazon divulge its e-reader sales, it’s clear that both companies are fully committed to the category, and customers are still buying them. Read more…

More about Ereaders, E Readers, Barnes Noble, Ereader, and Nook

Read more : Barnes & Noble Unveils Ultra-Light Nook GlowLight E-Reader

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