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Astronaut Makes Stuffed Dinosaur in Space, Posts to Pinterest



Last week, Karen Nyberg decided to make a stuffed dinosaur for her 3-year old son out of spare materials she had lying around, and posted it on Pinterest. This wouldn’t be news — except for the fact that Nyberg is an astronaut aboard the International Space Station

“I made this dinosaur for my son last Sunday,” Nyberg wrote. “It is made out of velcro-like fabric that lines the Russian food containers found here on the ISS. It is lightly stuffed with scraps from a used t-shirt.”

As far as we know, this is the first example of space crafts — and certainly the first craft item from space posted to Pinterest Read more…

More about Space, Astronaut, Pinterest, Social Media, and Family Parenting

Read more : Astronaut Makes Stuffed Dinosaur in Space, Posts to Pinterest

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