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Are Facebook Ads Working? The Clicks Say Yes



Days before Facebook unveils its Q3 earnings figures, multiple ad partners for the social network found that Facebook ads improved in nearly every metric in year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter comparisons

The reports come from Adobe and Kenshoo Social, which are both part of Facebook’s Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer program, meaning they drive “outstanding positive impact in [Facebook’s] marketing developer ecosystem.”

The first annual Social Media Intelligence report released Monday by Adobe found that Facebook’s ad clicks, ad impressions and advertisers’ return on investment were all higher in 2013 than in 2012. According to the study, which took into account more than 131 billion Facebook ad impressions and 4.3 billion social engagements, Facebook ads were clicked 29% more often in 2013, and the return to investors was 58% higher than last year. Read more…

More about Facebook, Adobe, Earnings, Business, and Advertising

Read more : Are Facebook Ads Working? The Clicks Say Yes

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