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Apple Releases The New Mac Pro, A 4K Video-Editing, Super-Fast Powerhouse, Available In December For $2,999


Today Apple announced December availability for the Mac Pro, the strange, solid cylinder of computing power. It starts at $2,999 for the 3.7GHz quad-core Xeon, 12GB DRAM, 2GB VRAM, and 256GB. The new model runs at 70% less energy consumption – 44W – than the original Mac Pro.

The New Mac Pro is assembled in the US and features AMD FirePro graphics and can hold up to one terabyte of flash storage. It supports 4K HDMI video and is specially tuned for Final Cut Pro 10 and Aperture for video and image editing.

The new product is as quiet as a Mac Mini and has one central fan as well as a unique head dispersal system that ensures the hardware stays cool.

Apple just updated the Mac Pro product site with a flashy new interface for exploring the striking new innards.

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Posted in Apple, Web.

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