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Apple CEO Tim Cook Commemorates Anniversary of Steve Jobs’ Death



On the two-year anniversary of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs‘ death, company CEO Tim Cook took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the legacy of one of technology’s biggest icons.

Sending the message from his recently verified Twitter account, Cook wrote:

Second anniversary of Steve’s death. Going on a long hike today and reflecting on his friendship and all the dents he made in the universe.

— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) October 5, 2013

The public message offers a rare look into the friendship that the two Apple veterans shared for well over a decade. It also shows Cook’s willingness to embrace Twitter as a platform for sharing one’s most intimate thoughts — something Jobs, known as a very private person, would likely have avoided. Read more…

More about Apple, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Twitter, and Tech

Read more : Apple CEO Tim Cook Commemorates Anniversary of Steve Jobs’ Death

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