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Apple Acquires Personal Assistant App Cue



Apple has purchased Cue, a personal assistant app that had mysteriously shut down service on Wednesday.

Apple Insider, which was the first to report the deal, cites an anonymous tipster who claimed the company was purchased for between $35 million and $45 million

Apple confirmed the deal — but not the price — with its typical statement about acquisitions

“Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans,” a rep said in a statement provided to Mashable.

Cue, formerly known as Greplin, makes it easy to surface social media activity from your LinkedIn accounts, contacts, Gmail, calendars and Dropbox account. The company changed its name to Cue last year and became a personal assistant for iOS along the lined of Google Now for Android Read more…

More about Acquisition, Apple, Business, and Cue

Read more : Apple Acquires Personal Assistant App Cue

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