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Android KitKat on the Nexus 5: Can It Tempt You?



Google launched its latest sweet-themed Android operating system just in time for Halloween: KitKat

Right now, it’s only available on the Nexus 5, which just went on sale in the Google Play store (and which is already sold out in its 16GB incarnation). Other Nexus device users will get it sometime in November, while other Android owners will get it whenever their carrier decides to upgrade them

Google holds out the hope that KitKat is the one Android version that will rule them all; it has been designed for the slowest of smartphones as well as speed machines like the Nexus 5. So for all those users still struggling on Android 2.3 Gingerbread (that would be roughly a third of all Android users), the KitKat upgrade is a huge deal Read more…

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