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Android 4.4 KitKat: Aimed At The Next Billion Smartphone Users

Just in time for Halloween, Google took the wraps off its first candy-coated operating system: Android 4.4 KitKat.

KitKat is designed to bring a top end Android experience to every Android smartphone in the world. It uses less memory, in part so that manufacturers can bring the latest version of the operating system to devices with lower end components.

Google has focused on backwards compatibility with KitKat so that it can bring the top end features of the operating system to any Android device. The mobile OS is designed to bring “Android to the next billion people” by making it leaner, faster and more efficient. For instance, it will supposedly work on devices with a little as 512 MB of RAM.

“Our goal was to build one version of the operating system that runs across all Android smartphones in 2014,” said Sundar Pichai, senior vice president of Android, Chrome and Apps at Google at an event in San Francisco.

Google’s stated goal with KitKat is to bring “Google smarts to the entire experience.” To do that, Google has made its Google Now semantic search product a heavy part of the Android experience. In addition to Hangouts as the de facto messaging apps and the new smart Caller ID, Google is bringing its ability to index the world’s information to Android.

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