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A Map of the Gender Gap in Science Around the Globe



A map from UNESCO provides a very rough picture of “the gender gap in science” around the globe, showing large swaths of relative equality in parts of South America and Central Asia, and great inequality in countries including India, France, Germany and Japan. In those places — some of the world’s science powerhouses — women make up less than a third of researchers.

Gender Gap in Sciences map

But this is a rough picture. Its data comes from headcounts that include any professional “engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems, as well as in the management of these projects.” What are the distributions of women and men at the entry-level jobs? What is it like at the tops of the most powerful hierarchies? Read more…

More about Maps, Science, Gender Gap, Scientists, and Us World

Read more : A Map of the Gender Gap in Science Around the Globe

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