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9 Valuable Life Lessons We Learned From Gaming



An integral part of many a childhood, video games helped players develop more than hand-eye coordination. Many taught gamers about friendship, love and war

Yes, video games contain valuable life lessons that can stay with a person years after he shelves the discs. Here are nine games that imparted such wisdom

1. Nothing is too big to tackle. — Final Fantasy VII

Never has saving the world been a more frequent motif than in the Final Fantasy series. In the seventh title, players must save the world from Sephiroth (one of the most menacing video game villains ever designed) from becoming an all-powerful god. No one is saying you personally need to fight a murderous science experiment gone wrong. But the game teaches you the importance of taking a stand and fighting for the right reasons, even in the face of defeat. (Note: That doesn’t include fighting with your teacher to cancel the midterm.) Read more…

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