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8 Steps to Successful Selling on Craigslist



Have some crumbling IKEA furniture in your basement that you’ve been trying to ditch for three years? That’s exactly what Craigslist is for (and questionable rideshare requests, of course)

But between creating an irresistible listing and haggling for a better price, getting your items to sell on the site is an uphill battle.

In this Sunday comic, Nitrozac and Snaggy of The Joy of Tech provide eight, easy-to-follow steps to get your junk sold on Craigslist

Turns out, half the battle is just not getting murdered


BONUS: 115 Absurd Craigslist Missed Connections Read more…

More about Comic, Comics, Craigslist, Humor, and Joy Of Tech

Read more : 8 Steps to Successful Selling on Craigslist

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