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70 Weird, Wacky and WTF Costumes at Comic Con



If there’s any place in the world to be weird, wacky or totally WTF, it’s at New York Comic Con

The cosplayers at this year’s convention failed to disappoint, donning elaborate get-ups that transformed them into the bravest of superheroes, the evilest of villains and the oddest of creatures. There were, of course, a few impostors who thought a mask and store-bought cape would suffice — but at Comic Con, the more detailed and eccentric, the better

Check out some of the craziest outfits of the convention below. And if your costume didn’t turn enough heads this year, don’t fret — San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner Read more…

More about Pics, Lists, Costumes, Comic Books, and Superheroes

Read more : 70 Weird, Wacky and WTF Costumes at Comic Con

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