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7 Ways to Stop iOS 7 From Killing Your iPhone Battery



Just when you thought battery life couldn’t run out any faster on the iPad or iPhone, enter iOS 7. One of the biggest complaints about the the new mobile operating system is how easily it drains your battery.

There are a few basic things you might be doing to make precious hours of running time slip away. Here are a few quick fixes to keep iOS 7 devices powered for much longer.

1. Background App Refresh

Background App

The battery-draining culprit that perhaps bears the most responsibility is a new feature called Background App Refresh, whose default is set to “on” in iOS 7. It lets apps run in the background while you multitask and continually refreshes content when running on Wi-Fi or a cellular network. To disable this feature, visit Settings > General > Background App Refresh. Here, you can turn off the entire function or just disable that apps you don’t need to refresh on an automatic basis. Read more…

More about Mobile, Apple, Battery, Tech, and Apps Software

Read more : 7 Ways to Stop iOS 7 From Killing Your iPhone Battery

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