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7 Twitter Accounts for Outstanding Longreads



Longform journalism is far from dead. This may seem counterintuitive in the age of the 140-character Twitter update, but the digital world still demands quality, in-depth reporting — it’s only the medium that has changed.

In an email exchange with Forbes‘s Lewis DVorkin, Longreads founder Mark Armstrong suggested that “social recommendation” has played a role in the resurgence of interest in longform journalism. “When people read something they really love, they become its biggest cheerleader,” he wrote.

Twitter has become a beloved resource for everything from job hunting to online shopping, and it can also be an asset in tracking down the skillful, thought-provoking articles you’ve been craving. You can consult the Twitter feeds of your favorite news outlets to see what longform content they have to offer, or use the hashtag #longreads to see articles recommended in real time by Twitter usersMashable compiles its own weekly list of must-reads, too Read more…

More about Media, Twitter, Social Media, Features, and Journalism

Read more : 7 Twitter Accounts for Outstanding Longreads

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