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5 Instagram Faux Pas You Can Easily Avoid

Instagram is popular, and sharing photos with its community is—let’s face it—a lot of fun. But it can also be a little complicated, it turns out, at least if you want to avoid looking like a hipster wannabe who’s just applied your first filter.

So share away, but first make sure you’re not committing any of the following Insta-fractions. It’s not the end of the world if you find you’ve got some bad habits to correct. But don’t linger; some of these mistakes can cost you big on the follower front.

1. Blurry Photos And Videos

This is a no-brainer. Unless your Instagram trademark is some seriously skillful photo-impressionism, try to post shots that are in focus, not taken in a dark alley or filtered through the beer goggles you were wearing last night.

And while you’re at it, don’t overdo the selective focus option (the little droplet symbol). Considering that it’s a purely visual social network, we Instagrammers aren’t crazy about stuff we can’t see. If your photo or vid isn’t in focus, how are we supposed to appreciate that meticulously crafted, oh-so-clever caption?

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