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25 Beer-Soaked Oktoberfest Photos on Instagram



Oktoberfest is the largest fair in the world held in Munich, Germany. Running from late September through the first weekend in October, the 16-day festival draws more than 6 million visitors from around the world.

Those who celebrate will munch on pounds of soft pretzels and down nearly 7.5 million liters of cold, crisp beer.

If you couldn’t make it to Germany for this year’s festivities, we’ve rounded up some of the best Instagram snaps of the festival in all its boozy glory.

Feast your eyes on 25 beer-soaked photos of Oktoberfest on Instagram. Read more…

More about Pics, Lists, Beer, Instagram, and Watercooler

Read more : 25 Beer-Soaked Oktoberfest Photos on Instagram

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