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14 Imaginative Stop-Motion Woodman Vine Videos



Watch the Woodman have 15 completely different adventures in these creative Vine videos.

This week’s Mashable Vine Challenge has a very special theme: The Woodies Film Festival. Your challenge was to take a wooden art mannequin and bring him to life with Vine. Entries were submitted with the hashtag #TheWoodies.

This week’s challenge was guest-hosted by master of the #Woodman Vine, Ian Padgham. The results were overwhelming! We saw more entrees for #TheWoodies than almost any other challenge to date.

Even though the challenge is over, you can continue to use the Vine hashtag #TheWoodies for your future posts starring the Woodman. Be sure to stay tuned to Mashable for our next Vine Challenge. Read more…

More about Vine, Social Media, Apps Software, and Mashable Vine Challenge

Read more : 14 Imaginative Stop-Motion Woodman Vine Videos

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