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10 Most TiVo’d New Fall TV Shows



The remotes have spoken: TiVo has ranked fall’s most anticipated new TV shows based on the programs users have scheduled to record on its popular digital recording service.

More than 70% of Americans consider the fall line up as having the best new shows of the year, with about 35% using their DVRs to record, according to TiVo’s data.

But which shows are the most popular so far for TiVo subscribers? As of Wednesday these are the shows that appeared most in viewers’ queues (TiVo will update the rankings daily):

Topping the list are new dramas The Blacklist, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Sleepy Hollow. In addition to the most Tivo’d new shows, Tivo told Mashable which returning shows are hot. Viewers are lined up for drama

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