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Writer’s Epic Job Resignation Goes Viral on YouTube



Writer Marina Shifrin sure knows how to quit a job in style.

In an epic video uploaded to YouTube, Shifrin busts a move to Kanye West’s “Gone” while alone in her office at 4:30 a.m in the morning. As she does this, her reasons for resigning appear across the bottom of the video

Prior to quitting, Shifrin worked at Next Media Animation, a Taiwanese company that produces news videos

“I have put my entire life into this job, but my boss only cares about quantity, how fast we write and how many views each video gets,” she wrote in the video description. “I believe it’s more important to focus on the quality of the content. When you learn to improve this, the views will come.” Read more…

More about Youtube, Viral Videos, Watercooler, Videos, and Jobs

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