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We Catch Up With Our TechCrunch China Partner, TechNode, At Disrupt [TCTV]

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TechNode is TechCrunch’s partner in China – translating many Techcrunch posts directly into Chinese on So during TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco we caught up with Kevin Chen of Technode.

Together with founder Gang Lu, Chen writes for the bilingual blog that has been covering the VC and startup market in China for the last five years.

TechCrunch went to China to stage a Disrupt in 2011, and we should note that this Fall, we will do a small event in Beijing, and next year we will bring a full-on Disrupt back to China.

Chen himself has written a sort of crash course to the Chinese tech scene called: “The Web Behind The Wall” which we highly recommend.

Check out our video interview with him.

Read more : We Catch Up With Our TechCrunch China Partner, TechNode, At Disrupt [TCTV]

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