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Video Hands-On With The iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c


Shortly after Apple’s event this morning, Darrell and I got to spend a bit of time with the just-announced iPhone 5s and its more wallet-friendly lil’ brother, the iPhone 5c.

While we’ll wait until we’ve given both devices a proper spin before we do any sort of lengthy review, we wanted to drop a quick video hands-on and our first impressions.

iPhone 5s Impressions:

  • Given the price and material difference, you’d probably assume that the 5s feels a good bit more slick than the 5c. You’d be right. The 5c still feels quite nice in the hand, but plastic is plastic.
  • This thing is way speedy, presumably because of the jump to 64-bit. We only poked around the OS a little, but everything we saw was buttery smooth.
  • It looks a lot like the iPhone 5. If you aren’t geeky enough to know how to spot the new color options, the Fingerprint-sensing home button, or the dual flash, you probably couldn’t tell the difference.
  • The new slo-mo feature works REALLY well. We didn’t have any extreme sports stars handy to bust a kickflip or two for us, but it did do a really good job of catching us waving our hands around like dweebs at 120 frames per second.
  • In our initial tests, the fingerprint detection works almost shockingly well. Setup takes seconds, and it worked consistently and instantly thereafter. After configuring a 5s to be on the look out for Darrell’s fingerprint, Greg’s fingerprint was immediately turned away. Once I added mine to the system, it worked immediately. There was literally zero frustration (the video above shows us lifting/tapping the fingerprint sensor multiple times while setting it up. It’s not failing to sense our finger properly, that tapping is just a prompted part of the process.)

Posted in Apple, Web.

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