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Universes Collide in Creepy Tom Brady ‘Wrecking Ball’ Parody



There usually isn’t a whole lot of crossover between NFL fans and Miley Cyrus fans. But this video melds the two worlds to skin-crawling effect by superimposing the head of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady onto Cyrus’ naked body in a parody of her hit single “Wrecking Ball.”

Take a look at the creepy spectacle, which hit YouTube on Sunday and the sports web on Monday, for yourself above. But be warned: It may haunt your dreams for weeks to come

This isn’t the first such instance of extremely strange “Wrecking Ball” Internet, however. Last week, an enterprising YouTuber combined Nicolas Cage and Cyrus to similar effect. Something tells us more are on the way, too, so we’ll be sure to keep you updated as events warrant. Read more…

More about Miley Cyrus, Nfl, Entertainment, and Sports

Read more : Universes Collide in Creepy Tom Brady ‘Wrecking Ball’ Parody

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