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U.S. Hospital Rehab Program Treats Internet Addiction



If you cannot live without all-night sessions burrowing through the Wikipedia rabbit hole or the constant influx of content on your Twitter feed, a U.S. hospital is offering some respite — as long as you have $14,000 to spare.

Starting next Monday, the voluntary inpatient program at the Bradford Regional Medical Center, in Bradford, Pa., promises to treat those who are addicted to the Internet. Addiction experts will treat patients at the hospital’s behavioral health services department, the wing that also treats substance addiction

The psychologist who created the program, Dr. Kimberly Young, told Fox News that Internet addiction may be more prevalent than substance addiction since it is “free, legal, and fat-free.” Young, Motherboard notes, wrote a book on Internet addiction as early as 1996 and is an expert in the field. She founded the Center for Internet Addiction at the Bradford hospital in 1995, though this is apparently her first inpatient program for Internet addiction. Read more…

More about Online, Gaming, Internet, Internet Addiction, and Rehab

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