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Twitter’s IPO Filing: Here’s What It Means



Calm down, Internet: Twitter is not going public just yet, nor any time in the next month or so at the very least. The company has filed a “confidential” S-1 IPO with the SEC, meaning it signaled its intent to go public at some point and is getting its paperwork ducks in a row

Why is the filing confidential? So-called “emerging growth” companies are allowed to so that now, according to the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) act signed into law last year

JOBS allows you to file so-called “black box” registration documents with the SEC if you have less than $1 billion in annual revenue. (We never believed Twitter to have more than that number coming in.) Read more…

More about Twitter, Ipo, and Business

Read more : Twitter’s IPO Filing: Here’s What It Means

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