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This Video of Cats Slipping Down Slides Is Awww-Inducing



If you regularly spend more than 10 minutes on the Internet each day, you know that the Internet has a long-standing love affair with cats. Kitten pictures, videos, GIFs — we can’t get enough.

Giggle with joy at the cutest clips of kittens crawling up and slipping down slides in this adorable new video from CrazyFunnyStuffCFS

Check it out above for your daily dose of adorable kitten footage.

BONUS: 15 Best Cat Memes Ever [MEOW]

Homepage Image: YouTube, DrunkerFail Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Cute, Compilation, Cats, and Cat Videos

Read more : This Video of Cats Slipping Down Slides Is Awww-Inducing

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