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This Is Your One-Stop Shop for Wedding Planning



The “wedding industrial complex” is a $70-billion-a-year business in the U.S. that includes dresses, venues, planners, photographers, videographers, caterers, bands, jewelry designers, florists and more.

It’s an industry Kellee Khalil was first exposed to in 2010, when she helped her sister — the founder of wedding PR company Be Inspired — plan her wedding. Khalil had to go deep into Google queries and jump across several different sites to find what she was looking for, and she was shocked by how disjointed the information was. Having been raised in an entrepreneurial family, Khalil saw her frustration as an opportunity to streamline the wedding planning experience, which she knew was a massive market. After her sister’s wedding, Khalil quit her banking job and moved to New York to develop Loverly Read more…

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Read more : This Is Your One-Stop Shop for Wedding Planning

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